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The policies section of a job’s JSON description enables users to have more control of how jobs are managed and influence where they will be executed. The available options are:

  • maximumRetries: maximum number of times a failing job will be retried.
  • maximumTimeInQueue: maximum time in minutes the job will stay in the pending state. The default is 0, which means that the job will stay in the pending state until it starts running or there is a failure. The value -1 means that the job will stay in the pending state until it starts running. When set to a non-zero value, the job will be automatically set to the failed state if it has not started running within the time limit.
  • leaveInQueue: when set to true (default is false) completed, failed and deleted jobs will remain in the queue until the user specifies that they can be removed.
  • placement: allows users to specify requirements and preferences to influence where jobs will run.

For example:

"tasks": [
"image": "centos:7",
"runtime": "singularity",
"cmd": date
"name": "test",
"resources": {
"nodes": 1,
"disk": 10,
"cpus": 1,
"memory": 1
"policies": {
"maximumRetries": 4,
"maximumTimeInQueue": 600,
"leaveInQueue": true

Placement policies

Job placement policies enable users to influence where jobs will be executed. Sites refer to specific clouds and regions refer to groups of clouds. Placement policies consist of requirements (which must be satisfied) and preferences (used for ranking).

To force a job to run at a particular site (OpenStack-Alpha in this case):

"policies": {
"placement": {
"requirements": {
"sites": [

To force a job to run at any site in a particular region:

"policies": {
"placement": {
"requirements": {
"regions": [