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Job status

Listing jobs

The list command by default lists any active jobs, i.e. jobs which are pending or running:

$ prominence list
3101 pending alahiff/testpi
3103 pending alahiff/cherab-jet:latest python 0 59
3104 pending ikester/blender:latest blender -b classroom/classroom.blend -o frame_### -f

It’s also possible to request a list of jobs using a constraint on the labels associated with each job. For example, if you submitted a group of jobs with a label name=run5, the following would list all such jobs:

$ prominence list --all --constraint name=run5

Here the --all option means that both active (i.e. pending or running) and completed jobs will be listed.§

Describing jobs

To get more information about an individual job, use the describe command, for example:

$ prominence describe 345
"id": ,
"status": "pending",
"resources": {
"nodes": 1,
"disk": 10,
"cpus": 1,
"memory": 1
"tasks": [
"image": "eoscprominence/testpi",
"runtime": "singularity"
"events": {
"createTime": "2019-10-04 18:07:40"

To show information about completed jobs, both the list and describe commands accept a --completed option. For example, to list the last 2 completed jobs:

$ prominence list --completed --last 2
2980 completed alahiff/tensorflow:1.11.0 python models-1.11/official/mnist/ --export_dir mnist_saved_model
2982 completed alahiff/tensorflow:1.11.0 python models-1.11/official/mnist/ --export_dir mnist_saved_model

Note that jobs which are completed or have been removed for some reason may be visible briefly without using the --completed option.

Completed jobs

The JSON descriptions of completed jobs contain additional information. This may include:

  • status: current job status.
  • statusReason: for jobs in a terminal state other than the completed state this may give a reason for the current status.
  • createTime: date & time when the job was created by the user.
  • startTime: date & time when the job started running.
  • endTime: date & time when the job ended.
  • site: the site where the job was executed.
  • maxMemoryUsageKB: the maximum total memory usage of the job, summed over all processes (note this is not available for jobs running on remote HTC or HPC resources)

The following information is also provided for each task:

  • retries: the number of retries attempted.
  • exitCode: the exit code returned by the user’s job. This would usually would be 0 for success.
  • imagePullTime: time taken to pull the container image. If a cached image from a previous task was used this will be -1.
  • wallTimeUsage: wall time used by the task.
  • cpuTimeUsage: CPU time usage by the task. For a task using multiple CPUs this will be larger than the wall time.
  • maxResidentSetSizeKB: maximum resident size (in KB) of the largest process