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The image can be specified in the following ways:

  • <user>/<repo>:<tag> (Docker Hub)
  • <hostname>/<project-id>/<image>:<tag> (Google Container Registry)
  • shub://<user>/<repo>:<tag> (Singularity Hub)
  • URL of a tarball created by docker save
  • URL of a Singularity image
  • path of a tarball created by docker save when remote storage is attached to jobs
  • path of a Singularity image when remote storage is attached to jobs

Container registries other than Docker Hub may also work. It is possible to provide credentials to use for authenticating with a registry.

Under some conditions a container runtime will be selected automatically. This will only happen if there is only one runtime which will work for the specified image. For other cases, e.g. a Docker Hub image, Singularity is used as the default but optionally udocker can be forced by the user.

Images which will result in Singularity being selected:

  • Singularity Hub image (begins with shub://)
  • URL for a Singularity image (filename ends in .sif or .simg)

Images which will result in udocker being selected:

  • URL for a Docker tarball (filename ends in .tar)

Generally it is recommended to use Singularity. If it is essential to be able to write into the container's filesystem (e.g /opt or /var) then udocker should be used.

Registry authentication

If a registry requires authentication then imagePullCredential must be specified in the task, which defines a username and token. For example:

"resources": {
"memory": 1,
"cpus": 1,
"nodes": 1,
"disk": 10
"name": "gitlab-image",
"tasks": [
"image": "",
"runtime": "singularity",
"imagePullCredential": {
"username": "username",
"token": "VzIxo3sZ2yC6V5YeSBxR"

The same method can be used for other private registries and Docker Hub. It is preferable that a token with read-only privileges is used rather than a password if at all possible.